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What are the three major forms of digital direct marketing?

Direct marketing is when a company appeals to their customers without a mediator. There are three major forms of digital direct marketing: banners on websites, microsites, and email blasts.

Banners [on] websites can be seen as an advertisement for a product or service. Users will click and go to the company’s website (or another page that contains information about the company) to learn more about what they’re selling. 

Email blasts similarly work by sending out advertising through emails; you might have had an email pop up on your screen from time to time if you had subscribed to specific newsletters or companies’ updates (like sales). The content of such emails would include advertisements like how it appears on banner ads.

If you’re wondering what a microsite is,

it’s a mini-website that allows marketers to have enough space to display their brand and products. It generally leads back to the main website from where it originates.

As technology advances, so does direct marketing, even in the digital world. Digital direct marketing isn’t going anywhere for now!

So long as businesses still want people to hear about their brands without having a third party shut them down. Don’t hesitate to try out these forms of digital direct marketing next time you have an online or offline campaign! Just be sure your design appeals to your target demographics well enough for them to click on the banner ad or sign up for emails updates from your company.

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