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The majority of web traffic is generated by search and those that come by way of search have a greater degree of commercial intent than most other channels.

As compared to standard SEO, local SEO refers to Local Search Engine Optimization. Local SEO comes into play when users are searching for products, services, or resources near them in real-time.

For example, a search for “shoes” will yield greatly different results than a search for “shoes near me.” Local search often includes locations, which is why companies should keep their Google My Business profile up to date

With reports, statistics, research, quotes, and testimonials being created on a daily basis, there is bound to be content worth re-purposing for digital marketing purposes. There are countless ways to turn formal business documents into creative online content, including infographics, podcasts, videos, and animated graphics.

Social media falls in the brand awareness and consideration stage of the sales funnel. Social media platforms allow businesses to connect with their target audience and slowly but surely nudge them down the funnel with content and links to learn more.

By providing relevant information about products and services, engaging with their audience, and providing free trials or specials, businesses are able to nurture leads into buyers.


Digital marketing allows businesses to raise brand awareness, share information about products, engage with the audience, and monitor online reputation. Digital advertising allows businesses to advertise and promote products, offer discounts or specials, and attract buying customers. Simply put, digital marketing establishes a target consumer audience while digital advertising drives this audience to sales.

Email, social media, search and other elements of your digital marketing mix will depend on delivering useful content. Though video outlets, podcasts, and media galleries present other options, a blog is by far the most used tactic for distributing marketing content on a channel over which you have complete control.

Keywords are the words and phrases searchers use usually with search engines—to find relevant pages, images, videos, or any kind of information when looking for answers, knowledge, products, or services. SEO professionals consider keywords and the topics they suggest when optimizing content for search.

Definitely. Though companies in many business categories continue to approach digital marketing with skepticism, avoiding digital marketing denies your business access to the media the majority of consumers turn to first and at all hours of the day.

Content marketing is the creation and distribution of educational and/or entertaining information assets for the purpose of generating brand awareness, traffic, leads and sales. Marketing content is generally free and does not explicitly promote your brand as an ad would.


There can be no all-encompassing answer to this question except to say you should create content buyers will find relevant and useful. Leading candidates include blog posts, articles, eBooks, infographics, microsites, videos, courses, case studies, newsletters, visuals and various forms of interactive content

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